The project, contracted by DFID China through Coffey International, was undertaken in Nevember-December 2016 with a combination of project mid-term review and annual review of 2016 to assess performance and progress of the programme and to make recommendations. The outputs of the project protovided critical inputs all partners of the CBDM Asia Programme to make informed decisions about implementation for the remaining period of Phase II and the future direction of the partnership and activities established under the programme. The review covered all activities undertaken by the programme since its start in July 2015.
The Programme "Sharing and Learning of Community-based Disaster Management in Asia" was initiated in 2012, as part of the UK-China Development Partnership to address global challenges and the UK Government’s Humanitarian Policy commitments. It has been managed by UNDP China and its Phase II is been implmented by the National Disaster Reduction Center of China (NDRCC) of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The Programme aims to strengthen regional cooperation in Asia, building on the strong China/UK global partnership to improve cooperation through joint initiatives on Community based Disaster Management (CBDM) in parts of Asia. The impact of the interventions will be increased resilience to disasters of poor communities in developing countries in the Asia region.
The Programme is a five-year initiative implemented in two phases. The Programme completed its first phase in March 2015, with overall performance rated “moderately satisfactory”. Phase II started from July 2015 and will end in September 2017. Based on consultations with stakeholders and recommendations from independent evaluation conducted at the end of Phase I, the UK and Chinese Government agreed to continue the Programme for the second phase. During the two years until September 2017, the Programme aims to further strengthen the regional cooperation and to build a stronger regional network for disaster- prone countries in Asia through peer-learning initiatives on Community based Disaster Management.